At our November club night, a presentation was made to Don and Denise. Don has had an interest in WW2 vehicles for many, many years and around 1976/78 he joined the Solent branch of the MVCG (The Military
vehicle Conservation Group) which later became the MVT. Note that our club was started around 1967/8 some 50 years ago.
Both Don and Denise became involved in the military vehicle scene, owning and both driving many vehicles including Jeeps and Harley Davidson motorcycles and continued to devote their time running and developing the club with Don becoming chairman and Denise carrying out secretarial duties.
As the decades rolled by the Solent Branch of the MVCG, with Don and Denise’s commitment and effort became SOE as we know it today.
So for the last 40 years, both have been heavily involved in our club activities and the club committee decided to honour these decades of support by making both Don and Denise
Message from Don
I would like to express my appreciation to the committee and especially to Myrddin for the exceptionally nice trophy and certificate and also our lifetime membership, in recognition of our long membership of the
club. There are other long-term members still in the club “you know who you are” who we have known for many years and I would like to think that this is also for the “old campaigners”. We formed SOE together and they have been loyal supporters also.The new members won’t know about the trials we have had in the past that made it necessary to form SOE. I served on the committee for many years in most capacities including Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer
Don Staples-Harris
and general dogsbody. How time flies.